Hello and greetings everyone. It has been very quiet from the set design side for a while so I thought I would give everyone a little sneak peek of what I have been slaving away at. If it is not apparent yet, this film is going to be great in every respect. We are pulling out all the stops and trying to push the envelope as far as possible, and that goes double for the animator and myself. I can't tell you how many times I have built something for this film and then instantly was unsatisfied only to redo it.
"Enough rambling, get to the bloody point!" Okay I will, I mean that's why you are here right? I have decided to break this up into several parts so it will be easier to digest. This is a test of the wall and the doors in the scale we will be using. I may actually end up incorporating it into the final set, but that remains to be determined.
Here the doors are measured and will be removed from the immediate wall surrounding them. I put a marker next to it give an idea for size, also I just forgot to get it out of the picture.
I have removed the area where the doors will be placed. The next step is to paint the underlying coat before the wood trim pieces can be affixed to the wall. And the first step to painting is primer. If you are wondering what that white area is, I left a small corner where I held the wall unpainted because it will be covered up and never seen.
This floor is huge and it's only a fraction of the final size! I have left half of it undone to allow the other to dry and set up before I finish, and I personally needed a break from laying the floor.
This lovely picture is the first layers of paint on the wall. I wanted to give it more of a hand painted and worn look. This wall will need several more coats before it will be ready.
Now I know what you're saying, "Brian what are these pictures? They make no sense and I don't really see anything cool here." Well, you've got some nerve mister. I mean, I know. Welcome to the world of set design, here you do a lot of smaller parts and then bring them all together. That's why this is just the first part, come back for the rest that's when it starts to get interesting. I am going to walk through and show how it all starts to come together.
I am going to post the next one in a few days. Thanks for reading!
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